
Showing posts from August, 2007


UPDATE: On Windows 7 (probably Vista and later) look for "mklink". Allows hard links and symbolic links. Today I learnt about a tool for NTFS file system that can be used to create links similar to *NIX symbolic links under Windows. I was very surprised with this discovery (thanks to Carlos Pereira btw). I use symbolic links in Linux and UNIX all the time. I guess everyone I know that has used any Linux or UNIX system for sometime knows about symbolic links. I cannot say the same thing about Windows sysadmins and linkd. In less than a month, I learnt about using mount points and symbolic links under Windows. A little example of use: Creating a link to the c:\windows folder C:\> linkd win c:\windows Deleting the link C:\> linkd win /d ATTENTION: do not try to delete links with the command "del 'link'"! It will delete all the files inside the link target folder.

Interview with Bruce Schneier on The Command Line blog

The Command Line has an interesting interview with Bruce Schneier about, obviously, security. It's interesting for everyone concerned about security. And everyone should be concerned about security this days. Off course, part of the interview refers to computer security but most of the interview is about security in general.

Giving away login information in exchange for chocolate

There's an article here about a survey where people were asked about login information like passwords. The conclusions are kind of interesting but definitely not new to me or anyone with some sysadmin experience and/or tech support experience. In the subtitle of the article you can read " More than 70% of people would reveal their computer password in exchange for a bar of chocolate, a survey has found. ". I would give away my computer password to. For starters, I really like chocolate. I could then go home and change my password while eating my free chocolate. :)