Hello OutSystems

Early this year I switched from IBM to OutSystems in a move some considered crazy, some considered bold and some considered fantastic. After 10 years working with infrastructure I am now working as a software engineer, the job I dreamed about when I was around 12 typing way on my Spectrum 48K. But I really don't get that kind of feeling like “I finally got there”. In fact I have grown an interest for many other aspects of computers and technology other than software so I am very glad to be a Cloud Software Engineer which means I get to build software with infrastructure and security in mind too.

OutSystems is a great place to work. The company makes a huge effort in order to keep people happy and motivated. There are rules though that really make perfect sense and keep everyone productive and motivated rather than annoyed and controlled. They focus on how you should act rather than things you can't do. They also target management behaviour rather than being limited to the base of the hierarchy. The rules help establish a company culture that everyone is proud off.

I am sure that as the company grows (and it is growing) there will be some challenges maintaining this culture. But I know management acknowledges that. That is the first step in the right direction. Management listens and management talks to you. There is a rule for that.

Then there is all this talent around you that push you forward all the time. I go to work everyday thinking I am on my way to meet a group of friends that happen to be great engineers and get together to have fun building awesome stuff. And you also get to talk to people from other teams and learn about their work too.

I am now in a company that has learned to base its productivity on employee satisfaction something I have been routing for. I just wish there were more companies in Portugal coming to this conclusion: that productivity can be a result of what employees "like to be" rather than "have to be".


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